One of the activities within the Party is the Conservative Policy Forum. In constituencies around the country, groups meet to discuss major policy challenges facing Britain. We receive a briefing document from CCHQ and then meet to discuss the policy covered. After the meeting, the Chairman pulls together the comments from our members into a report which is sent to CCHQ. The reports from all the groups around the country are then distilled into a document which is sent to the appropriate minister or to the Downing Street Policy Unit. We welcome new members so do come along and take part in our discussions, as well as the opportunity to meet new people!
Our next meeting, with the topic of 'Queen's Speech' will be taking place in the Talberd Room of the Foakes' Hall, Great Dunmow on Tuesday 18th February at 7:30pm.
If you would like to join us, it would be helpful if you could let us know by emailing [email protected] and we can send you the briefing document in advance.